Perth Royal Show 2017
Claremont Showgrounds, Western Australia
On September 2017, I was honoured to be invited by Perth Royal Show to be one of their three visitor photographers. The show has always been one of my most awaited events of the year and also favourite things about Perth. Thus, I was more than delighted to accept the invitation and now I am here to share a piece of my exciting encounters with you.
I came on a Sunday, when the grounds were packed but weather unfriendly. The air was cold and I had to run from here and there looking for shelter because the rain came and went unpredictably. However, that's exactly what makes my experience and photographs unique. ​During the day, the heavy clouds gave the lighting in my pictures a kind of diffused quality, which subtly suggests the unanticipated twist of having cheerful colourful subjects but on a rather melancholic setting instead of a perfect sunny day ideal. During the night, the wet grounds added a reflective element that favours the fluorescent lights coming from the rides and food stalls, hence giving my photographs more 'glow' and contrast, breathing into their atmosphere a kind of mystery and reality of its own. In this series you will find photographs of some of the shows which I covered, namely the Cat Show, Showjumping (Suzanne Bond Memorial Mini Prix), Animal Nursery, Pig Race and Dog Obedience, then catch a glimpse of my fascination with colourful booths and rides, and perhaps have a share of my wonderful experience through this visual storytelling. I hope you enjoy looking at these photographs as much as I did making them!
The Perth Royal Show is an annual agricultural show organised by the Royal Agricultural Society of Western Australia (RASWA) in Perth, Western Australia at the Claremont Showgrounds. It features agricultural competitions, display animals, informational exhibits, rides and games. Originally coordinated as the Fair and Cattle Show in 1834, it has been held annually ever since (except the years during World War I and II), attracting hundreds of thousands of individuals and families, making it one of the most important and long-standing community events in Western Australia. Through Perth Royal Show, the RASWA aims to educate Western Australian families about the significance of the State's agriculture, culture and arts, and appreciate their influence on their daily lives.